Whisterpoop was named Runner-Up in the Humor category of the Indies Today 2021 Award Contest! I’m delighted that the novella came in at Number Two.
“A sweet and funny romance novel with small town roots, Whisterpoop is a gently sarcastic book that takes an irreverent look at life entering the second half. It is such a treat to read a book that doesn’t take itself too seriously, and R. J. Corgan manages this with ease and great levity.
“The brief romance novel excerpts are brilliant little interludes that subtly poke fun at the genre, all while making Karen a more and more relatable leading lady. Despite the limitations and stereotypes common to her, ahem, maturity, Karen proves to be an adventurous, if not obtuse, character who is impossible not to adore.
“One of the best books I’ve ever read celebrating the fickleness of midlife, Whisterpoop is a delightful rom-com that will leave you in stitches.” – Indies Today